Life with a new born, 2 year old and 5 year old. Feed baby, change diaper, feed two year old, wipe bum, unclog toilet, clean up spilled juice, feed baby, change diaper, get two year old out of the sink, clean up puddles of water off the floor, break up a fight, make lunch, clean up macaroni off the floor, put two year old down for nap, put two year old back down, put two year old down again, feed baby, change diaper, try to take a nap--ya right, try to find lost barbie, go get two year old up from nap and find poo on the floor, clean up poo off the floor, feed baby, change diaper, baby poops and pees on my bed, wash sheets..........and so it goes!!!
I can't believe this guy is already 4 weeks. I think I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the least today. My sanity changes on a daily basis. Somedays it is good and somedays...not so good. Everyone keeps asking 3 is hard and my answer is just that having a new born is what is hard. I guess because the girls were just super easy babies and good sleepers this one has been the hardest adjustment. Now that he is finally going back to sleep after he eats in the night, I am feeling a little better. Now I just need to figure out how to get him to take naps during the day! At the end of the day, it is all worth it. We love this little guy so much and already can't imagine life with out him.
I can't believe this guy is already 4 weeks. I think I am finally starting to see the light at the end of the least today. My sanity changes on a daily basis. Somedays it is good and somedays...not so good. Everyone keeps asking 3 is hard and my answer is just that having a new born is what is hard. I guess because the girls were just super easy babies and good sleepers this one has been the hardest adjustment. Now that he is finally going back to sleep after he eats in the night, I am feeling a little better. Now I just need to figure out how to get him to take naps during the day! At the end of the day, it is all worth it. We love this little guy so much and already can't imagine life with out him.
Miles is Mr. Serious
I am lucky to have two great helpers. I can totally trust Mia to watch him while I get stuff done. (Like clean up poo off the floor.)