The other day I was snuggling with Mia on the couch and she was looking at my wedding ring. She was telling me how pretty it was and then proceded to tell me what she wanted her wedding ring to look like. Serious! What other 4 year old is designing their wedding ring? I don't know where this girl came from.
Today she was playing on the floor with some of her princesses and she said:
Mia: Mom are the princesses at Disney Land real or are they just costumes?
Me: I think they are real.
Mia: Hum, I think they are just costumes, cause they look different. (Mind you, we have not been to Disney Land, so she must have just seen commercials.)
Mia: I hope someday I can be a real princess. Mom, you are a real princess cause you got married.
Me: Oh really?
Mia: (Thinking.) Actually Mom, you're not a real princess cause princesses fall in love ALL DAY with the prince, and dad goes to work all day.
Who new I was that close to being a real princess. Maybe I should tell Chip he needs to quit his job so he can stay home and "fall in love with me all day" so I can be a princess. I don't know what to do with her.
That's too funny! I love all of the princess talk. She's too cute! Can't wait to dye eggs this weekend.
wish marriage was like Mia's version! Are you around next week? Like on Monday or Tuesday? I would LOVE to see you and the girls...let me know.
First, I was so excited to see a new post! Thanks for indulging us bloggers. Second, Mia is hilarious! I can just see her big imagination trying to figure out the princess world. To think that you were so close to being a princess. Don't princesses (like Cinderella for example) have a whole bunch of little friends to help them cook & clean?
What a funny girl! I love hearing/reading these stories about friends' kids--it let's me live vicariously through others. :)
It's so fun to hear what Mia is thinking. That is so cute! It's amazing how soon they pick up on what they think is "true love." Your blog looks great Joni.
Love her imagination. She must keep you entertained all day long...fun for you!
Excellent. Reminds me a bit of when Mary wanted to marry me.
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