Well I actually did it last night. I voted for American Idol. Does this make me a true American now or does it make me a true fad follower?? I have never really been much of an American Idol fan and sometimes was actually annoyed at all the hype about AI. I have watched it here and there when there was nothing else to watch, but this season it is different. Maybe it was the writers strike that turned me into a follower or maybe it is because this season there really are some really talented people. I gave up last season when some of the people that really sucked kept staying on week after week, but this season it seems different. All the people that I didn't love are gone and most of the ones left really are good. I won't tell how many times I voted last night, but I did vote for more than two people.
Chip was in the other room studying and he heard me dial. I was caught!! I was slightly embarrassed when he was laughing, but oh well--I am embracing it now!!! When I was watching it will Mia she said "Mom, when I sing on TV someday will Dad get to be there?" Watch out AI, Mia is already getting ready!!
Go American Idol!! Can't wait for the results tonight. I hope I did not vote in vain!
I love it! Go David! Thanks for coming over tonight. I had lots of fun. See ya in the morning.
I love it! Go David! Thanks for coming over tonight. I had lots of fun. See ya in the morning.
although I haven't watched it much since, I was a dedicated idol follower during the clay/ruben season. did. not. miss. once.
oh, and your cruise looked like it was fantastic!
fun to see you at the u game :)
I feel like I don't know you anymore. Are you really a Seacrest & Simon fan? I thought it was by accident that your radio was tuned to Randy and Paula's new song. I feel like you are leading a double life.
I agree w/ you 100%. I haven't watched AI since Fantasia drove me over the edge but I am loving this season. I don't vote though only because I watch it after it record it and the voting is over. GO BROOKE WHITE!!!
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