His first two nights home he didn't sleep one wink and I was ready to go back to being pregnant again. We have finally figured out how to get a little sleep, so we are ready to keep him. He has been a really good baby so far and we thi

The girls love him and just can't figure out why they can't carry him around. Mia would hold him all day if she could. Jada of course has had some memorable comments. The first thing she said when she saw him was, "That baby looks like a cricket." Yes, a cricket. I couldn't figure out where in the world she came up with that, but then my mom remembered a movie the girls had watched at her house. Can you see the resemblence? After Jada watched his first bath at the hospital she couldn't stop saying, "That baby has a stick on his bum." I'm not sure whether she was referring to the clamp on the cord or whether she was referring to his different anatomy.
Life is good and we are lucky to have such great family, friends and neighbors who have taken such good care of all of us. I forgot how much work a new born is and I could not have survived this far with out all the help and support from Chip. He is the best and these kids are lucky to have such a great Dad.
Congratulations, Joni. Sounds great and difficult all at the same time.
Congratulations! I was in the camp who hadn't heard, so I'm so glad that you posted! I'd love to come by sometime and see him. Adorable!
YAHOO!! I love new entries especially when they are full of good news. Welcome to the blogging world Miles! Your friend can't wait to join you!
Congratulations!!! Sounds like a great labor and super fast. Congrats on adding little baby boy to the mix, he is sure to spice things up.
Congratulations!!! Sounds like a great labor and super fast. Congrats on adding little baby boy to the mix, he is sure to spice things up.
He's so cute! I can't wait to see him! I'm glad things went well. Your sleepless nights bring back bad memories of baby Smith...and we still love him. Congrats!
love, whit
look at that buff babe! So stinkin cute! love you!
awe! he's adorable...just like i knew he would be! congratulations to you and your darling family.
He is so cute! I can't wait to snuggle him! We have been sick at our house so when that passes I will be on your front porch! Congrats!
He is SOOOOO CUTE!!! Congrats miss Joni!!
CONGRATULATIONS! You and Chelsa, 2 girls and a boy. and me, 1 boy and then 2 girls! How fun! Cant wait to see him and your girlies sometime!
Congratulations! He is so cute and I love the name you chose! I can't believe you are done and I still have like 4 weeks left. The longest of the entire pregnancy! I'll be calling to ask how it is with three kiddos! I am so happy for you and your short labor time! Glad everything went so well!
Gotta love the Jada comment. I can hear Jo's laugh about that : ) I'm sending all of my good sleep karma Miles way!!!
Joni, Miles is so cute! I'm so glad things are getting a little bit better with his sleeping schedule. The comment about the cricket was hilarious! Where do kids come up with things like that? We're so excited for you guys to have a boy. Yay, Sam will have a little buddy.
Congratulations Joni! So fun to read your blog.
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