Friday, December 12, 2008

Lesser of Two Evils

I had to ask myself for a long time--What would be worse: potty training a stubborn, crazy toddler at 8 months pregnant, or trying to do it with a newborn. I was going to tackle this terrible job 2 months ago, but of course things just kept coming up. This last week I finally had a week where I didn't have to be anywhere, so I decided to go with the first option and give it a try. Mia was fairly easy to potty train, so I figured that if I applied the same method this time it would work out just perfect. WRONG!! What I didn't take into account, was that Jada has about 100 times more energy than Mia, that she is a little bit more stubborn, and that chasing her naked body around our house would be a little harder than it was to chase Mia around our small apartment. I didn't ask myself once during the process "Why in the heck am I doing this?" I asked myself that about every 5 minutes. It turns out that a child has to actually hold still to even try to go potty and if a 2 year old decides they want to hold it, they can hold it for at least 12 hours. It didn't matter how many juice boxes I gave her or how much soda I offered her--she would just hold it. Needless to say--last week was the longest week of my life and there where quite a few tears shed on both sides, but it is over. This week we have moved on to using the potty every hour and trying to see how many public restrooms we can see. I thought we were making great progress until we dropped her off at a friends' house last night and she took advantage of finding a nice quiet corner where she could do her business--in her pants. Soooo, we still have some work to do on the #2s, but we are getting there.

I have officially decided that potty training is by far the worst and hardest job of parenting yet. Since I am terribly lacking in the patience category, it is/was a real struggle for me. I know we have a long way to go still, but things are looking better. Hopefully by the time this baby gets here we can have it somewhat mastered!!!! (ya right!!!)


Laura said...

i am in complete agreement with you. potty training is the hardest task a parent has in helping their child be self suffecient and responsible for their own "mess". Go Jada Go!!!! I will root for you all!

how's that belly? I want to see a picture. When are you do? Lets have an update on that.

Fancy Pants said...

Ha ha ha ha... I am potty training at this very moment as well... I am laughing so hard! I hope all is well with you!

suzi said...

Hey! Glad to read this because... I just went and bought the pink potty and princess unders. Today's the day... YUCK! It's so hard. I totally agree with the whole pregnant and potty train versus trying to nurse one baby and wipe another!! Paints a pretty picture, doesn't it?! I'm way impressed that you survived the week! I'm sure my next blog will sound a lot like yours! YIKES! And, best of luck!

By the way, you and Anne and I need to hang out again! That was way fun to catch up and laugh so much! Happy New Year and good luck with your new baby soon!

The Price Family said...

Hey Jo -
Keep up the good work! I admire you for trying to get it done before little Miles came to town. I can't wait to see pics of him. Spence tried to send some to me, but I never got them. I think of you all the time....three is hard in the beginning, but it gets better. Love to you and your sweet family.