Cowgirl Jada
This little rascal turned 3. I can't believe that she is 3 already and is going to start preschool in about 1 month. Although she will continually remind you that she is a "big girl", she is anything but big. For her three year check up she topped the scale at a whopping 25 lbs. We see it as a good sign that she is now moved up into the 3% for her weight!!!
As we have been talking about her birthday coming up she had only 2 requests: a pink heart birthday and a mommy grey seal present. Easy enough...if it could only stay that easy for years to come!!!
She was so excited to wake up to hearts and more hearts. Of course the first present of the day was a stuffed "mommy grey seal." I don't know where this little girl comes up with these crazy requests, but her requests are hard to resist. I was putting a movie on for the girls after breakfast. Of course Mia was trying to negotiate to get the movie she wanted and I had to tell them that since it was Jada's birthday that she was "in charge". That was my first big mistake of the day. For the rest of the day Jada kept telling everyone that she was IN CHARGE.
When we gave her some options of what she wanted to do that night for her birthday she choose to go to the farm and ride horses. The little farm at Thanksgiving Point is perfect. She got to go on a tractor ride, ride the horses 4 times, feed the goats, pet a baby horse and a baby cow and brush the llama. A perfect birthday outing for this little animal lover.
We thought th

Birthdays are Tiring
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