Thursday, October 11, 2007

Words with two meanings

Tonight at dinner Chip was telling me the story about the school shooting in Ohio. Sweet Mia was sitting at the table with us and since she was actually eating her dinner we were able to have a conversation and didn't really think about her innocent ears overhearing this tragic story. Since I worked with kids at the hospital all the time trying clear up misconceptions of words with two meanings (i.e. stool, shot, flush, dressing, urnine (you're in), CAT, sleep etc.) I should have known better. But we messed up. Chip told me that after this boy shot kids at the school he then shot himself. When I asked Chip if he died he told me he did and then all of a sudden Mia chimed in and said "But Dad, I don't die when I get shots." There went all our therapeutic medical play and doctors office education right out the window. Poor girl, is trying so desperately to understand the world and then we messed it all up.
In order clear up the major misconception so she wouldn't be completely freaked out next time she has to get a shot, we had to give her the whole explanation about guns. When we asked her if she knew what a gun was she said "I have water guns." Who wants to tell their three year old that there are guns other than water guns? I guess this is just a great wake up call for me to remember that little ears hear everything and they can only understand it with their little mentality. I am just glad she said something so we could help her understand.


Chelsea said...

Oh gosh...we are starting to face that too. In the car, everytime we talk about anything serious robbie chimes in "what happened?" Then we try to tell him the story in innocent child he got an ouwy...I dont know how much longer that will suffice!

Bill Tanna Ava Fox said...

Raising girls can be scary! Ava's not even one and I am already worried about how she will deal with the world! Clothes, boys, boobs.... by the way love the King Triton post!!!