Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Alll in a Day's Work

When Jada was a baby I knew it could only get worse. She was literally the best baby ever--she never cried, she slept through the night at 5 weeks, she wanted to eat when I wanted to feed her, and she was always happy. I thought, I was in for it with my next kid, but I had no idea that Jada was going to pull a switch move on me. Don't get me wrong she is still the sweetest thing, but she definitely has a mischievous side. If there is some way to cause trouble, she will find it.

Well, the last couple of days have been full of those moments... Yesterday I had put Jada down for her nap. She had been in there about a half hour and was still making noise so I decided to go check on her and see what sort of mischief she was up to. When I first walked in everything seemed normal. She was standing up in her bed sucking on her fingers. Typical!! As I walked over to her she pulled her fingers out of her mouth and pointed at her hand and said "Guck (yuck)." As I looked a little closer, there, smeared all over both of her hands and all over her face and tummy was poo. Sick! And remember when I walked in the room she was sucking on her fingers. I know that many of you have experienced similar experiences and have children smear poo on things in your house, not fun. That is gross, but what is even grosser is that Jada put it in her mouth. I wouldn't even be surprised if she actually ate a piece. She has been known in the past to eat dog and cat food without batting an eye, so I wouldn't put it past her to have tasted what she pulled out of her diaper. Sorry, I know this is gross, but I am still recovering.

At KFC that night while I was filling up our drinks, the worker was complaining about how people make such a mess and don't clean up after themselves. I was agreeing with him 100%. I take my drinks over to our table and Mia goes to pick hers up and spills the whole thing along with half of her nuggets all over Jada and the floor. That guy was probably looking at me thinking, "now you". Of course I didn't want him to clean up after us, so there I was mopping the floor of KFC on my hands and knees. Why do I try to take my kids out to eat by myself anyway?

Later that night Mia fell of a horse. Then she fell and scraped her knee. Luckily she was more worried about her scrape on her knee than falling off the horse! I finally got my kids in bed at 10:30 and collapsed on the couch knowing that it would start all over again today!!!!

When I got Jada out of her bed this morning I literally asked her "What do you have in store for me today?" She of course just smiled her mischievous smile that I love. Well it was barely 10:30 am and I had already caught her in the act of sticking a key in the electrical outlet. I thought I was safe because I put outlet covers on all the outlets that are not being used, but Jada is smart enough to just unplug the lamp and then plug in her keys. Ten minutes later she found and Advil in my sister's purse and put that in her mouth. Luckily my sister saw her with something in her mouth and fished it out or I would have been in trouble.

Oh the joys of taking care of these girls. I am just glad they add so much excitement into my life. I am not complaining, just sharing with all the rest of the moms out there who experience these same types of things daily. Kids will be kids and I try to not let it get to me. I am just glad that I get to share in these experiences with them everyday and I don't have to just hear about them later. However, I would have gladly let someone else clean up the poo mess!!!


nick said...

Kristen showed me the blog today - so funny! Jada sounds like a girl version of Tobin. We feel your pain! :) Miss you guys.

Chelsa said...

I love mom moments like these! It makes me feel like I am a normal person because others experience the same things. Let's hang out next Monday night! Love ya

Elise said...

OH JO. Those are total journal entries to hold over her head later : ) You are a GREAT mom! I wish I closer to you and your little buddies!

Unknown said...

I love all of it, I can picture every moment. You definitley have your hands full!!!