Tuesday, September 25, 2007

King Triton has boobs!

Mia's favorite toys are her collection of princess movie themed action figures. She has all the characters from all her favorite movies and always has to take at least one princess with her everywhere she goes and all around the house. Since Mia has a hard time staying on task at meal time we had to ban any toys from the kitchen. Of course Mia will always try to manipulate the situation by letting us know that "giraffe is not a toy, she is real" or that "Snow White wants to watch me eat." Well the other day at dinner King Triton was "watching her eat." While she was supposed to be eating she was extremely distracted by King Triton's naked body.

Mia: Mom, why doesn't King Triton have on a bra?
Mom: Because, boys don't wear bras.
Mia: Why don't boys wear bras?
Mom: Because boys don't have boobs.
Mia: But Mom, King Triton does have boobs, look (pointing to King Triton sculpted chest).
Mom: King Triton does not have boobs, he just has a strong man chest.
Mia: But Mom look, King Triton does have boobs (pointing more directly at his nipples).
Mom: Mia those aren't boobs those as just his nipples, everyone has nipples.
Mia: (thinking) Oh, King Triton just has nibbles.
Mom: Mia, just eat your dinner.

I'm not sure where the sudden obsession with boobs came from because just two days ago when I was helping her get dressed she said out of the blue "Mom, are my boobs getting bigger?" Sometimes I am not sure where she came from, but at least she always gives me something to laugh about.

The Proposal

Here is an update on Mia's spouse hunt!

Mia: Mom, today at school I asked Wyatt if he wanted to marry me when we grow up.
Mom: Hum, what did he say?
Mia: He said YES!...I guess Wyatt does want to be a prince when he grows up....I love Wyatt.

Maybe next week she might get down on one knee and give him a ring (or a crown!)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Dad's Party!

A couple of weeks ago, my dad turned 70!!! My mom had a big party for him at her house and it was fun seeing all my dad's friends and everyone that was there to celebrate with him. There was a photographer there taking pictures and he got a few awesome pictures of the girls. I thought he took amazing pictures so I thought I would share them.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

State Fair Fun

Well, today is the day that the State Fair ends. For anyone who didn't have the opportunity to attend the fair this year, I am sorry! Because of Spencer's involvement in the fairs we have become somewhat of state fair junkies. Some might think that the fair is only for WT, but that doesn't stop us from having fun! As Mia is getting older she is really starting to enjoy the fair and this year we were able to go 2 times! It's is especially fun when Mia gets to tell people that her dad works at the fair! Just to give you an idea of the fun you missed out on I will give some of the highlights for us: the big yellow slide, corn dogs, fair rides, lots of fun people selling fun junk/stuff, super-size buttons with your pictures on them, pony rides, Little Hands on the Farm, corn on the cob, $1 cold root beer, cows, stinky pigs, goats, sheep, bunnies, snow cones, the biggest pig you've even seen, free samples of advil, free people watching, and good art.

This year I actually decided to get the full fair experience and I actually entered something in it! Last year I decided to make Jada's blessing dress (don't ask me why?). After a little encouragement from my family I decided I would enter it. Lucky for me I got a beautiful white Third Place ribbon. Don't worry, I'm not bragging because from what I could tell, there were only 4 entries in my category, but I will probably frame my shiny white ribbon and hang it on the wall along with the $1 prize money check! My talented mom entered an awesome cross stich and she won a big blue First Place Ribbon. Congrats to her! Here are some pictures of our "Fair Fun!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not so little anymore!

Mia went to her first day of preschool last week. I can't believe that she is old enough to go to school! She was excited to take her back pack and head off. When I walked her into school that day the smell of the school brought back a few memories. Why is it that all schools smell the same? She gets to go to school with her good buddy Wyatt which made it a good easy transition for her. When I asked her after school if she had met any other friends she told me "No, because they were all strangers." Thanks to the Bernstein Bears she is a little too informed on stranger danger. Hopefully she'll get past it and meet some new little friends!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Stripper in the Family

Jada is our little free spirit. She puts up a good fight anytime we try to put clothes on her or change her diaper. I used to think the mission was accomplished once we got her fully clothed, but when I went in to get her from her nap the other day, she had proved me wrong. After her first nap...this is what I found. When I went to get her after her second nap, she was sporting only a diaper. I hope this isn't a prediction of behaviors later in life!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A day in the life of a princess!

Last night we were driving home from a BBQ with some friends and Mia out of the blue says,

Mia: Dad, who can I marry?
Dad: Well Mia, who do you want to marry?
Mia: I want to marry you Dad.
Dad: Well Mia, you can't marry me because I am already married to mommy. But, you could marry someone like me.
Mia: But Dad, I just want to marry you.
Dad: You can't marry someone in our family but you could marry Smitty.
Mia: (Thinking) No
Dad: You could marry Josh.
Mia: No Dad, I don't think I can marry someone in my primary.
Dad: Well, you could marry Wyatt, he's a cool kid.
Mia: Ya, I want to marry Wyatt. (Thinking some more...) But Dad, I'm not sure Wyatt wants to be a prince when he grows up.

Apparantly Mia is pretty confindent that she is going to be a princess when she grows up and she knows that she has already tried to get Wyatt to play the part of the prince when he was over playing. He wasn't going for it then and I guess she knows she's not going to be able to convince him the way she can her dad. I guess Wyatt is a better soccer buddy than a prince.

The baby is One!!

Since yesterday was Jada's 13 month birthday and I neglected to even mention her 1 year birthday--I thought I might post some pics of her party. I can't believe she is already 1! We had a little party with family and Jada loved every crumb of her birthday cake!