Mia's favorite toys are her collection of princess movie themed action figures. She has all the characters from all her favorite movies and always has to take at least one princess with her everywhere she goes and all around the house. Since Mia has a hard time staying on task at meal time we had to ban any toys from the kitchen. Of course Mia will always try to manipulate the situation by letting us know that "giraffe is not a toy, she is real" or that "Snow White wants to watch me eat." Well the other day at dinner King Triton was "watching her eat." While she was supposed to be eating she was extremely distracted by King Triton's naked body.
Mia: Mom, why doesn't King Triton have on a bra?
Mom: Because, boys don't wear bras.
Mia: Why don't boys wear bras?
Mia: Why don't boys wear bras?
Mom: Because boys don't have boobs.
Mia: But Mom, King Triton does have boobs, look (pointing to King Triton sculpted chest).
Mia: But Mom, King Triton does have boobs, look (pointing to King Triton sculpted chest).
Mom: King Triton does not have boobs, he just has a strong man chest.
Mia: But Mom look, King Triton does have boobs (pointing more directly at his nipples).
Mom: Mia those aren't boobs those as just his nipples, everyone has nipples.
Mia: (thinking) Oh, King Triton just has nibbles.
Mom: Mia, just eat your dinner.
Mom: Mia, just eat your dinner.
I'm not sure where the sudden obsession with boobs came from because just two days ago when I was helping her get dressed she said out of the blue "Mom, are my boobs getting bigger?" Sometimes I am not sure where she came from, but at least she always gives me something to laugh about.