Well, today is the day that the State Fair ends. For anyone who didn't have the opportunity to attend the fair this year, I am sorry! Because of Spencer's involvement in the fairs we have become somewhat of state fair junkies. Some might think that the fair is only for WT, but that doesn't stop us from having fun! As Mia is getting older she is really starting to enjoy the fair and this year we were able to go 2 times! It's is especially fun when Mia gets to tell people that her dad works at the fair! Just to give you an idea of the fun you missed out on I will give some of the highlights for us: the big yellow slide, corn dogs, fair rides, lots of fun people selling fun junk/stuff, super-size buttons with your pictures on them, pony rides, Little Hands on the Farm, corn on the cob, $1 cold root beer, cows, stinky pigs, goats, sheep, bunnies, snow cones, the biggest pig you've even seen, free samples of advil, free people watching, and good art.
This year I actually decided to get the full fair experience and I actually entered something in it! Last year I decided to make Jada's blessing dress (don't ask me why?). After a little encouragement from my family I decided I would enter it. Lucky for me I got a beautiful white Third Place ribbon. Don't worry, I'm not bragging because from what I could tell, there were only 4 entries in my category, but I will probably frame my shiny white ribbon and hang it on the wall along with the $1 prize money check! My talented mom entered an awesome cross stich and she won a big blue First Place Ribbon. Congrats to her! Here are some pictures of our "Fair Fun!"

I am beginning to wonder why the whole world didnt see each other at the fair...seriously, everyone is blogging about it! And yet, when I was there it felt like there was no way I could have known anyone else there unless I was part of the FFA! I am so glad to find yours and I cant wait to see you and the girls this friday!
You are not alone WT friend. We are also groupies of the Fair. I loved reliving it on your blog. I could just taste the corn on the cob. YUM! Maybe next year you will go 3 times and venture out with us! Did you go on the bull ride? Tell Chip he's a handsome carnie and I would almost switch to verizon, because of him. Unfortunately, he doesn't sell phone models from the 90's.
Nice work my talented friend. I hope the end of the "fair" season brings your hubby home to you and the girls more frequently : )
Hey Jo, Congrats! I think that is cool that you entered Jada's dress. You are so talented! I love the blogging world...don't you? Talk to you soon, Chelsa
I couldn't be more proud of you and your white ribbon. Way to go! I am glad you had fun at the fair...hope to see you soon!
I found you...yay! Maybe someday I will stop stalking everyone and start a blog myself :) Your girls are so pretty!
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