Tuesday, September 4, 2007

A day in the life of a princess!

Last night we were driving home from a BBQ with some friends and Mia out of the blue says,

Mia: Dad, who can I marry?
Dad: Well Mia, who do you want to marry?
Mia: I want to marry you Dad.
Dad: Well Mia, you can't marry me because I am already married to mommy. But, you could marry someone like me.
Mia: But Dad, I just want to marry you.
Dad: You can't marry someone in our family but you could marry Smitty.
Mia: (Thinking) No
Dad: You could marry Josh.
Mia: No Dad, I don't think I can marry someone in my primary.
Dad: Well, you could marry Wyatt, he's a cool kid.
Mia: Ya, I want to marry Wyatt. (Thinking some more...) But Dad, I'm not sure Wyatt wants to be a prince when he grows up.

Apparantly Mia is pretty confindent that she is going to be a princess when she grows up and she knows that she has already tried to get Wyatt to play the part of the prince when he was over playing. He wasn't going for it then and I guess she knows she's not going to be able to convince him the way she can her dad. I guess Wyatt is a better soccer buddy than a prince.


Beau said...

So cute Jo! I finally found your blog. Hopefully one day I'll have one too. Love ya, Chelsa

The Ringleader said...

What a handsome couple. Give them a few years and Wyatt might change his mind about being a prince.