Friday, December 12, 2008
Lesser of Two Evils
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Finishing Summer with a BANG!!!
- We had our ultrasound and found out we are having a BOY!!
- We went on some fun adventures
- Mia learned how to waterski
- School started (bitter sweet)
Well, I don't really have a good excuse for not posting anything this summer, except that I am lazy and I would rather sit on the couch than sit at my computer. I wish I could say that I was off on grand adventures and enjoying every moment of the summer with my kids, but that is not exactly true. It was really nice when I had my laptap and I could sit on the couch and waste time on the computer, but my laptap has seen better days and Chip is usually on his. Anyway, now that summer is over, it is time for a routine again. This means school is starting, I am going back to the gym, I am going to clean my house, I am going to try to be a nice mom, I am going to try and wash the clothes, fold them, and put them away in the same day, and I might shower before noon. I know these are pretty lofty goals and might not be achievable, but at least it is something to strive for.
Despite our many days spent in our pajamas, hiding out inside, and avoiding the heat we had a fun summer. While I spent the summer getting out of shape, Chip spent most of his days on his bike. He finished off the summer with two century rides that would have killed me in the first 10 miles. I am proud of him and glad he is committed to his health!Yes, we are having a boy this time around. I know I never formally announced that I was even pregnant, but oh well. I am a slacker blogger and will probably never get around to adding a growing baby ticker on my blog, so don't be disappointed. When the ultrasound tech showed us the picture and said, "There it is, what do you think?" I could not believe it. I had mentally prepared myself for another girl for so long, I was in shock. I made him recheck about 5 times and kept asking him if he was sure. He finally just said, "Unless that thing falls off, this baby is coming out a boy." Mia is so excited to have a baby brother and I don't think I have ever seen a bigger smile on Chip's face. I still have 4 more long months of frequent trips to the bathroom, a sore back, and wearing support hose, but it will all be worth it when we get to hold that little guy!!
Our last hurrah for the summer was a fun trip with some friends to Island Park, Idaho. (Thanks Olsens!) We spent a few days hanging out by the lake and exploring West Yellowstone. Mia was brave enough to try waterskiing and thanks to an awesome driver and the best training ski she LOVED it. She kept wanting to go again and again. Jada spent about 3 hours straight throwing rocks in the the lake and then finally passed out in my arms. (of course I had already tried to get her to take a nap in the pack and play, but after she climbed out 17 times I gave up)
Now school is back in session and although that means Chip had to go back too, we are loving life. There is a reason why kids enter school/preschool at the age of 4. Mia and I have not been able to give each other what we needed lately (to put it nicely), so school 4 mornings a week has been a life saver for all of us. She loves school and is already telling me which kids are nice and which boys are mean. The bitter part of school is that Chip is gone 2 nights a week now, but the end is in sight, finally! December will not come soon enough!!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
First Kiss

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Jada Had a Birthday!
Jada is already following in her sister's footsteps. She already loves the color pink, loves and can name all the princessess, and is talking up a storm. Between these two girls there is never a silent or a dull moment.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Why We Love Summer!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Latest and Greatest
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Just Do It!!

I just bought my first guitar and I am pretty excited about it. I have wanted to learn how to play the guitar forever. I had mentioned to Chip that I wanted a guitar for my birthday and he totally surprised me on my birthday with a guitar and lessons. Of course we wasn't too sure of my commitment level so he just got me a rental guitar and the lessons so that I could try it and see if I really wanted to commit. It has been four months now and I am loving it. It is much harder than I thought it would be, but I like the challenge and it is really nice to do something for me every now and then. It is so nice to put the kids to bed and then pull out the guitar and do my practicing. Although I don't get to practice every day like I should--it is nice when I do. Since I earned some extra money last month I decided to spend it all in one place and buy my own guitar. I turned in my rental last week and am loving my new purchase. I am writing this to urge all of my friends and family to decide today and do something for yourself. It is really easy to get in bed at night and realize that you did not do one thing for yourself (maybe you didn't even get a shower in). I know that is life as a mother and a wife, but sometimes you need to find something that you really enjoy and just do it!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Alll in a Day's Work
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Princess Heaven
Meeting every single princess and getting thier autograph and picture.
Seeing Jada run to Mickey Mouse and give him a hug. She has slept with "Mouse" every night since.
Hearing Mia ask Belle if she found "true love's kiss." Belle' was practically speachless and Mia was so excited to find out the Belle knew Giselle. We could not stop laughing.
The princess dinner!! Worth every penny.
Spending hours in the giant Disney store and only spending $30!
Spending the day at the beach and seeing the kids have a blast.
Dad not having to work or study! Some nights he didn't even turn on his computer.
Pina Coladas at the pool.
What We Couldn't Have Lived Without
Fishy Crackers and Chex Mix
The jogger. We love it and it made the perfect bed for Jada during the day!
The princess dinner.
Spending two days at the beach AFTER Disneyland.
Park Hopper passes.
A fridge in our hotel room.
Frozen bananas at the beach.
Overall we had a great time. I think Mia was the perfect age for this trip. She still believes everything and was amazed at everything. The parades were fun and so were all the shows. I would highly recommend the Alladin and Playhouse Disney shows in the CA Adventure. The girls both loved them. Jada was a pretty good travel companion most of the time and she was a good sport. As long as she was strapped in the jogger she was fine, but if you let her out she would have taken off running and not stopped. We had a great trip and made lots of memories.
Here are some of our pictures. I am warning you there are a lot!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Good Bye Winter
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
More Marriage Talk

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I did it!

Chip was in the other room studying and he heard me dial. I was caught!! I was slightly embarrassed when he was laughing, but oh well--I am embracing it now!!! When I was watching it will Mia she said "Mom, when I sing on TV someday will Dad get to be there?" Watch out AI, Mia is already getting ready!!
Go American Idol!! Can't wait for the results tonight. I hope I did not vote in vain!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Underwear Snatcher
From this to this!!
As you can see, we recently returned from a week long cruise to the Caribbean. I am still having a hard time adjusting to reality, but it was worth it. Thanks to our great friends who are "DO'ERS" all 10 of us were able to plan this trip kid free. We had a ton of fun and made lots of fun memories. Cruising is a great way to travel with a group like this. We experienced some great firsts...karaoke, parasailing, endless food and pina coladas, and sea sickness. Since I had all this time on my hand I gave into my friends' urging me to read Twilight and was soon hooked. Of course I got home from the trip with mountains of laundry and two sweet girls who wanted to spend time with their mommy, and all I could do for two days was read. Now I am having cruise withdrawals and Twilight withdrawals. Not a good combination, but I am getting through it. Actually coming back to the snow is a help. I got myself and Mia up to the slopes and skiied for the first time this year!! Love it. I have to say that although I love the beach and the sunshine, I would never trade it for the mountains.